Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
“Listening to the Buddhists in Our Backyard”
by Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil

“About half an hour north of Boston, close to the New Hampshire border, lies an area of Massachusetts known as the Merrimack Valley. It’s a mix of rural areas and small cities, but what’s often overlooked is the region’s diverse, vibrant Buddhist community.”

The New York Times
“The Arrow in America’s Heart”
by Elizabeth Dias

“Two days after the massacre of children in Uvalde, Texas, and 12 days after the racist mass killing in Buffalo, Chenxing Han, a chaplain and teacher, told a Buddhist parable. A man is shot with a poisoned arrow, Ms. Han recounted as she drove a group of high school seniors to visit a Thai temple in Massachusetts.”

Global Online Academy
”Back to Basics, Not Back to ‘Normal’”
by Eric Hudson

“Under the supervision of their teacher Andy Housiaux and visiting teacher/author Chenxing Han, six high school students at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA, spent ten weeks immersed in the study of Buddhism in their local communities.”

The Cult of Pedagogy
“5 Fantastic Ideas for Collaboration Projects”
by Jennifer Gonzalez

“After a week of these temple visits, students spent the remainder of their term researching themes that had emerged in their visits: the culture of mutual generosity between monastics and laypeople, cultural preservation and transmission in Asian American temple communities, and youth education.”

Middle Way Education
“Listening to the Buddhists in our Backyard”

“This initiative, co-created by high school students and faculty at Phillips Andover Academy in Massachusetts, might inspire teachers to link their classrooms to their local Buddhist communities. Through active engagement, the students were guided to explore the Buddhist resources and traditions that were flourishing around their campus community.”